We Currently Looking For
For an exciting project to stop plastic and to scout social impact companies
Full-stack developers
With knowledge in react or PHP or react Native or Vue.js
UX/UI Design Intern
With knowledge in Sketch, Zeplin, Design Thinking, including conducting user interviews.
Project Manager
If you have travelled and like to work with in a culturally diverse team and are a passionate person
Hardware product designer
For an exciting hardware project which will communicate with app software.
Business developer
If you understand the EU market and are willing to travel with no restrictions within the EU
What Is it Like Here?
Our core priority are team member showing 3 qualities
- Communication
- Compassion
- Competency
Since we are an international team, we respect people who respect difference in culture and can work in harmony.
We love to have after-works, so if you like to spend time with team on Friday evening, it is a sure plus.
3C – communication, compassion & competency.
Fall in love with different culture & apreciate people.