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Gender Policy

3Cs – Compassion, Communication and Competency 

Purpose & Structure

Commitment to Gender Equality
BøthOfUs is committed to promoting gender equality in all aspects of its operations and culture. This includes recruitment, career development, pay equity, work-life balance, and creating a respectful and inclusive workplace.

Leadership and Accountability Senior Management Role:
The senior management team will lead by example, demonstrating commitment to gender equality through their actions and decisions. Gender Equality Officer: The CEO and Deputy CEO are responsible to oversee the implementation and progress of the gender equality plan (GEP). Board Composition: The BøthOfUs board is comprised of three females and one male, with the board being led by females. This leadership structure is designed to promote gender balance and serve as a testament to our commitment to gender equality, particularly in the technology sector which is traditionally male-dominated.

Recruitment and Career Development

Equal Opportunity Employment:
BøthOfUs will ensure that all recruitment processes are free from gender bias and that job advertisements encourage applications from all genders.

Career Advancement:
Equal opportunities for training, promotions, and career development will be provided. Gender balance will be considered in succession planning and talent management programs.

Pay Equity

Transparent Compensation: Maintain transparency in the compensation structure and ensure that pay decisions are based on objective criteria.

Work-Life Balance

Flexible Working Arrangements:
Offer flexible working hours and remote working options to support work-life balance for all employees.

Parental Leave: Provide equal parental leave for all genders, encouraging shared responsibility for childcare.

Complains and Monitoring

Zero Tolerance Policy:
Implement a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying based on gender.

Reporting Mechanisms:
Establish clear, confidential reporting mechanisms for employees to report incidents of harassment or discrimination. Chief Operating Officer, responsible of conducting Performance Appraisal meetings monthly, should ensure to provide the opportunity for all team members to express and report any incidents of harassment or discrimination.

Training Programs: Conduct regular training sessions on gender sensitivity, diversity, and inclusion. Competency lunch sessions planned for every second Wednesday include topics on gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

Monitoring and Reporting Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor the progress of gender equality initiatives and adjust strategies as needed.

Stakeholder Engagement

Internal Communication:
Ensure all employees are informed about the gender equality policy and their roles in promoting a gender-inclusive environment.

External Partnerships:
Collaborate with external organizations and stakeholders to promote gender equality within the broader community.

Continuous Improvement Feedback Mechanisms:
Establish mechanisms for employees to provide feedback on gender equality initiatives and suggest improvements.

Regularly benchmark BøthOfUs's gender equality practices against industry standards and best practices.

Policy Review This gender equality policy will be reviewed annually within the board to ensure it remains relevant and effective in promoting gender equality at BøthOfUs. (last reviewed 2024)

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