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Rural development

BøthOfUs focuses on digitalisation and capacity building for rural development

Tech advocacy

BøthOfUs, implements tech advocacy campaigns for rural development. We do capacity building and training to rural community organisations and NGOs in terms of digitalisation and also SDG indicator.


BøthOfUs implements various awarness programs using multimedia journalism, videos and images are helpful to present a concept to people in remote rural areas


BøthOfUs, coordinate the implementation of predefined goals, digital tools, program implementation, workshops and projects for rural development

Web & App

BøthOfUs designs and create tools using tech and design, including discovery stage, field study, building tools and implementation of those tools including capacity building

Our partnership with Hudson Advisory Services provides our FAO and EU expertise in showcasing the social impact potential of agro-ecology opportunities. Here we support transitions and reforms in people-centred, sustainable food and agricultural commodity systems

Inspiration & Expertise

Our own UN Habitats work inspires future generations of young people to achieve social and environmental impacts. Here we apply collaborative mindsets and planetary sustainability promoting a wisely balanced blend of bottom-up and top-down methodologies.

Our technical expertise is applied successfully throughout the countries of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. We harvest, share and synergise our knowhow from this diverse mix of ever-evolving experience to provide a global perspective on client needs. 

We build capacity by applying EU and other international expertise to create results for our clients that adds value to their work. We provide you with new insight by drawing on state-of-the-art best practices in rural social impact and agro-ecology commodity support systems – including the EU LEADER method and strategic financing instruments from the European Investment Bank Group. 

Our advocacy principles promote holistic investments in smart (data-driven, evidence-based, results-oriented) agro-ecology and community-led rural development. Food and cultural tourism form integrated components. We seek social impacts in healthy, sustainable and resilient livelihoods for rural communities and small-scale farmers.




If you have a social impact project you would like to collaborate on, get in touch! We can chat over a cup of coffee.


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